Using Kybella Treatments to Diminish Double Chins

It would be impossible to calculate the exact number of people in the world who have a double chin, but one thing is very clear – most people want it gone.
Extra chin fat is common facial feature even slim framed people grapple with. This submental fat can be impossible to lose even with diet and facial exercises. If you have ever accidentally turned on your front facing camera, you know the struggle is real! For many people, genetics have made it impossible to lose their double chin without cosmetic or plastic surgery – until now!
Kybella Injections at Artemedica
Kybella injections are a surgery-free alternative to reducing stubborn chin fat and thousands of people are raving about the results. At Artemedica, our number one priority is our patients’ comfort. Our expert staff is here to answer all your questions about the Kybella treatment during a complimentary consultation! Below we have compiled a quick overview of Kybella treatments and its revolutionary results.
How Does Kybella Work to Reduce Double Chins?
Kybella is an FDA-approved treatment that dissolves fat stores in your chin. Kybella is identical to a chemical that already occurs naturally in your body: deoxycholic acid. You body produces this acid to absorb fat.
When Kybella is injected into the extra fat below your chin it permanently destroys the fat cells. Kybella treatments can be used in other areas of your body as well, including the dreaded bra bulge.
What To Expect During Your Kybella Treatment
Before we can begin your treatment, a specialist will examine the area to ensure Kybella is right for you. Our experts at Artemedica will then tailor a treatment plan specifically for you to help you reach your aesthetic goals.
Each treatment only takes about 15 to 20 minutes. During this time you will receive several small injections of Kybella into your double chin and surrounding areas. Most patients report very little pain or discomfort during their procedure.
When Will I See Results From My Kybella Treatments?
To permanently reduce your double chin, your Kybella treatments will be completed over several visits and will involve multiple injections in the affected area. Depending on the amount of fat, 2 to 4 visits may be required to reach your cosmetic goal. Some patients report seeing results after their first treatment.
What Are The Side Effects of Kybella?
Our trusted experts at Artemedica have been performing Kybella treatments in Santa Rosa for many years. Prior to your treatment they will consult with you on how to minimize all possible side effects and will provide in-depth aftercare instructions.
Complications are very rare if you follow all of Artemdica’s aftercare instructions. Most patients require very little down time after Kybella. The recovery process is typically swift and easy.
Most Common Side Effects of Kybella:
– Swelling
– Bruising
– Pain
– Numbness
– Redness
To ensure the highest level of safety at Artemedica and the effectiveness of the Kybella procedure, we do not offer this treatment to anyone under the age of 18 years old.
Learn More About Kybella Treatments at Artemedica in Santa Rosa
Artemedica is proud to have been the first practice in the North Bay Area to perform Kybella injections! As a member of the Kybella National Speaker’s Bureau, Dr. Lacombe is the most experienced Kybella practitioner in Santa Rosa.
Are you tired of battling that chin bulge? We are committed to helping our Santa Rosa patients look and feel comfortable and confident. Contact our team at Artemedica to learn how you reduce stubborn chin fat with Kybella treatments!