Summer is here once again and we all know what that means: it’s bikini season.
Artemedica can help you improve your body’s problem areas and show off this summer season. Read about our non-invasive bikini body treatments below!
CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure that literally freezes your body fat and reduces its appearance.
When you come in for a CoolSculpting consultation, we’ll identify areas you would like to work on, like the upper/lower belly, love handles, or inner/outer thighs. We’ll also go over how many treatments you will need to obtain the desired results.
CoolSclupting treatments take an hour each and can be performed two at a time with DualSculpting. In the end, you should see about a 20-25% reduction in fat. There’s only about 15 minutes of slight discomfort after the procedure, so you can get on with your day.
Each treatment is performed by one of Artemedica’s CoolScupting technicians, which means you don’t ever have to see a physician.
Cellulite Reduction
Unfortunately, no matter what level of fitness you’re at, 90% of women will experience cellulite at some point in their lives.
The older you are, the more likely it is to appear.
There are tons of products out there that promise to get rid of your cellulite for good, but the problem with cellulite is that it can’t be eliminated—it can only be treated and reduced.
At Artemedica, we use the Zimmer ZWave cellulite treatment system. The ZWave uses radio pulse therapy (or RPT), which sends high energy pulses through the target tissue.
Using RPT, we can reduce the appearance of cellulite for about a year. Depending on the severity, it can take from 8-12 sessions for optimal results. The best part is, each session only lasts a matter of minutes, meaning you can come in on your lunch break and be back to work, without any side effects.
Cellulite reduction is painless and is performed by one of our skilled aesthetic technicians.
Body Waxing
Body waxing at Artemedica is performed by two extremely skilled medical aestheticians, whose combined experience in the field is over 20 years.
Having taken several courses, our aestheticians are certified in advanced speed waxing techniques. They use one of the best waxing products on the market—combined with a pain-free technique, it’s one of the best waxes you’ve ever had.
Artemedica focuses on one of the most important aspects of waxing that’s often ignored: cleanliness. Artemedica is a medical facility, which means our tools and work environments are always sterile.
Other businesses that perform waxing often use low quality wax, have dirty wax pots, and may double dip. These practices are dangerous, and when combined with the use of low quality wax (which can get hotter), the likelihood of burns, rashes, and infections is increased.
If you need a leg, bikini, arm, or underarm waxing for your bikini body, Artemedica is the best choice in the Santa Rosa area. We also offer other non-invasive procedures and a full range of surgical procedures and health products—contact us to learn more!
Stay tuned for the second part of our summer bikini body series, focusing on surgical procedures.